Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

IT outsourcing...

Ive outsourced this weeks writing project to a more experienced blogger. Check out the latest vibe at dave's blog.
Much love peoplexx

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Terrorists & a 2-headed 'monster'…

In expectance of Daves (housemate last year in Leicester) arrival tomorrow for a few weeks, I have been consuming my time with both of the above.

No, don’t worry mum, I haven’t turned aside to unhelpful company since arriving here, but both are the subjects I chose to write assignments on. Public international law relates to terrorism, and Personal property strangely incorporates a still-born 2-headed baby (foetal monster, according to the judge… charming!) that was owned by someone for 40 years and publicly exhibited for profit. Hmmm. So, that has been what much of my time has been consumed with, & that is why I don't have any great stories for you this time round. Weird, but necessary.

In other news…

I got my surfboard back after a long week apart. We decided to give it another go, but found the ocean got the better of us for a few rounds, yet again. Still, we persevered and though maybe not triumphing, we definitely got some points for a couple of quick rides – revenge is sweet. A long way to go though…

Been enjoying the benefit of live Premiership games on Sat (3) and Sun (2) nights – Spurs have been on both weeks! It is a little sad that I am organising my social card around it, but passions must. Also, watched some tri-nations rugby. Scouting for France 2007: NZ look awesome under Richie McCaw, Australia are good but inconsistent, & South Africa are having a tough time. England still have some work to do.

Enjoying getting involved in the CU & getting to know some guys there. Reading Johns gospel lately – so challenging and surprising… I reckon everyone should read it whatever their beliefs: check it out here (

I finally have internet access in my room! Am gonna sell out to all things electronic on the contact front. Have msn messenger ( and skype if your interested…

That will do for now, keep in touch people.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Today, I fought the ocean…

…& I lost! The story goes a little way back.

Upon arriving on these sunny shores down under, I had my eager eyes peeled for her. I knew the ‘right one’ was waiting for me somewhere. I had been waiting all my life to meet her, and had been increasingly desperate over the last 3 or 4 years to get to know her intimately. I first set my eyes upon her last Saturday. She is tall (6’10), slim (2’6/9), & so shapely – beautiful curves. She is pale, but holds it well. She has seen a few years, but still looks great. It was love at first sight, and I knew straight away that she could help me in many ways, & we could learn together. We hit it off straight away and knew we would be an enviable couple. She was the new South African in my life. Full of hope, promise, and great excitement.

After first meeting her, I was just waiting for the perfect chance for us to spend some quality time together. To really get to know each other & let people see us in public together. When I woke this morning, it was the most beautiful day – I knew it was my chance. How could she resist my charm?! With a skip in my step (not a pansy one), a vibrant sun, brilliant blue skies, & a crisp breeze, everything was set for the most beautiful of love affairs to flourish.

Then I saw him. We were just enjoying the ocean together. Sure I was struggling with the rips and foot over head high curlers, but after all our relationship was meant to be founded on enterprise and discovery of what was seemingly beyond our limits (& she was performing beautifully – as you would expect from a South African). Besides, she told me she felt she was created for this relationship.

But he! He colluded with the mighty ocean to bring us down and threaten this beautiful relationship in its infancy. Fin drove his ugly paws into the heart of my sweetheart as she grappled with the might of the ocean. It felt more painful than a stab to my own heart, though no doubt if Fin had stabbed my heart with the power of the ocean behind him I would not be here to recount the tale.

She took the fall for me.

As I held her in my arms with the crystal stormy seas swamping my hopes, I feared she may be dieing. The end was stealing the show before we had even begun.

But she is a fighter. Not only is she elegant, attractive & slim, but she is sturdy, strong, & determined. I will see her again. We will flourish as a couple. We will overcome. And we will defeat the ocean, even if it sees the end of me!

Jonny 'wave rider' (not!) Richards

Publishers & critical praise direct your enquiries & comments to:
Alternative versions of this true story are available on the phone line only.

NB: Fin has repented of his wrong-doing & full reconciliation has occurred. No casualties were caused in the recounting of this tale.

** The absolute truth of all statements contained above are not historically verifiable and thus cannot be guaranteed – they get the general vibe though (a bit like Braveheart got the general vibe of Anglo-Celtic relations in history!)**

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The castle…

...where I live! At least it’s the closest I have got to a castle in all the places I have lived so far. Check it out: (also, the most boring website in the world!). I know it isn’t Ethendun or Tennyson, but beggars can’t be choosers!

...also, the name of an Australian comedy we watched a few nights back - quite a funny take on Australian culture and history.

So, basically been continuing to get settled here and getting to know people better. Had some good laughs in inner (my block) and it has been very cool to hang out with some of the CU guys a bit. Went to see Miami Vice with some of them last night – I guess the name gave sufficient warning that it would contain some dodge, but just found it way too into sex scenes and not enough shoot 'em ups! Cinematically excellent though. Got stuck in traffic on the bus for an hour on the way there - felt like me & Matt had known each other for years at the end, after only having met him a couple of times!!! Went out for lunch to someone’s house after church on sun which was good – especially as we had a walk along the beachfront afterwards.

Still no surf but am very expectant it may finally go off this weekend. Head high sets this week, so I hope it has cooled off a bit as otherwise I will be in out of my depth, so to speak! Failure is the path for progress I guess!?

Been doing a bit of work too. Assignments to get done. Am quite enjoying international law and aboriginal history. Giving me a fresh perspective on the world.

I am beginning to really like it here. It is such a beautiful city – as anyone who has visited will tell you. So many people I meet keep telling me I will end up living here, as most people who visit do. ‘The Castle’ (aforementioned) is sandwiched between Kings Park (one of the largest parks in a city in the world) and the Swan river with its grassy banks. The air is fresh, the vibe is laid back, and people love living here – which makes most people very content. It is a real privilege to spend a time here... and still its winter! Today’s forecast was 22’c and sunny, meanwhile London in the summer was 21’c and cloudy!!! ...I’m talking about a place called: Perth.

I think some people may have been firing emails to some OTHER Jonny Richards in the US!! My email has an ‘A’ in it (my middle name): So, I’m well happy some of you are up for mailing me but there are some I haven’t received – sorry!

Good to hear from others – sorry I haven’t always replied.
Do appreciate it though.
Till next time.