Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Sorry that the following is a bit 'newsy' & probably not of the faintest interest to many of you. However, this post is effective at fulfilling the blogs purpose. Enjoy.

I have had cool week, even though it has been a fairly hard working one. I have made good progress on a couple of essays that have to be in soon... it has been decent focusing my mind to some work - something I am trying to appreciate having the privilege & time to do. I have also been more busy socially as a few new opportunities have come up to spend time with people. Generally, a welcome change of pace, as I reckon I function better under a slightly busier schedule. But, it has been very nice to be less pressured than usual out here with fewer commitments, so I hope I can hold onto that.

St George's College has regular social functions & 'dinners' - very posh! Something my wardrobe & 20kg baggage limit was not prepared for, which has resulted in me resorting to a 'snug' fitting cream 3-piece number for a year of "Geroge's" socialising, which I blagged from a friend. I donned the cream jacket again on Thursday night, for a Cocktail Party in an Oriental bar in town. I'm not converted from cokes & beers, but it was a very cool night. I felt comfortable amongst college-ites, and can definitely see I am getting to know people better, and make stronger friendships. I even graced the dance floor with some of those infamous Richards moves, inherited from "Andy Boy" - the Godfather of multi-disciplined party dancing.

I have just got back from a few days away with a bunch of Christians, including the legendary John Chapman... a houseparty type weekend. It was good & I again got to know some guys much better. It was also very challenging, & great to have some time out to think through this.

Plans are starting to come together for my summer break out of Perth, which is going to run from 25th November-23rd February. It is good to see stuff come together, as that means I can get more excited about it. At the moment though, its time to keep my head down & get these essays done.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The pinnacle.

I feel like I have made it to the top.
I have reached heights that even the mighty & infallible (no?) blog of Dan Hames has found insurmountable.

Ladies & gentlemen: my blog is the first hit for my name on a google search.

The pride is unbelievable - the simple things.
Please note, I didn't find this out by my vanity, but through mucking around with some mates.
On this momentus occassion, I bid you farewell.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Here we go!

I figured it is about time I start writing my own stuff again, rather than lazily linking to Daves blog.

So, Dave left last Sunday & to be honest I felt a little down after - we had a cool time together & it was good to hang out with a close friend again, with some 'history' & shared stories to laugh at: we remembered lots of good times from LA & tennyson, often involving Nath... so it was sad to say bye.

While he was here we saw some of Perth, headed down south to a famous wine & surf region (not always the most successful mix!), hired scooters to explore - not quite Tom Cruise in Top Gun, but still very manly I can assure you, watched a few movies, played some tennis, & ate Aussie style... it was cool to be a bit more 'touristy' as I have been plugged into the uni life & settling in since arriving.

Coincedentally, Dave timed his visit to Perth with that of Don Carson, a Christian theologian who's books and talks I have found well helpful. So, we heard a few talks that he gave - very challenging and thought provoking. He spoke at the Perth Mens Convention - a quality day, & very cool to hear 600 men sing in full voice (Dave is convinced it makes men sing lower so we can sound 'ultra manly' when no women are about!).

This week was a study break - a week off from my usually very strenuous 9 hours of contact a week. I was planning to go away again but after consultation with Westpac Bank thought better of it. I have essay deadlines looming anyway so it has been a good chance to get on top of the work (a bit!), & hang out in Perth. So, I have been to the beach a few times as the early summer sun is becoming a more regular feature, also been surfing, & played golf too. Anyone who has seen my golf skills will know they are somewhat lacking, but I did manage to score a hit on a duck on the 9th green in front of the club house... & from the tee! Don't worry about reporting it to the RSPCA - it's still alive. It has also been a good chance to hang out with some people that I am getting to know, and try to build stronger friendships... very appreciated.

From the sounds of it, everyone is moving out of that summer vibe & into the September 'new year' style life back home. Lots of friends are beginning exciting new phases in student work, church work, new jobs, back to/starting uni, new school years & all the rest. Summer 2006 is gone! For me I guess this emphasises that I am not here for a short summer trip but am settling here semi-permanently. This is a very cool thing, but also has some challenges...I have left some very special people back home in the UK.

OK, so I decided that due to a few requests I would leave you with a few photo's, but due to my inept computer skills I have only been able to upload this one... & spent an hour at it! So, this will have to do for now. But, I can assure you - I look almost the same as I did a few months ago! Thanks for reading. Jxx

The surf wagon that stealthily takes Eugene & I to our sporadic adventures. We listen to (& sing along to!) country music & old style rock n roll en route. Perfect!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Return of the Fin:

A long time ago, on a beach far far away, in the land of South West Australia, Wave-rider Richards returned to the beach galaxy to face his nemesis 'Ocean'. Wave-rider courageously took on his arch enemy, undeterred by his previous heavy losses. Oceans evil henchman 'Fin' counter-attacked Wave-riders companion, Wetsuit. Fin infiltrated Wetsuits defence shield, and pierced a hole in his limb. Wave-rider remains unhurt and is sworn to avenge Wetsuits losses. He now even more eagerly pursues his vendeta to conquer Ocean and to use Fin to carve him up...

OK, so maybe a little far on the artistic licence, but I gotta express myself somehow, right!? For a more detailed update, check out Dave, to whom I have sub-contracted my web communications on a short-term basis. His contract is on performance based pay so let me know if you think he warrants a bonus!!!

Much love all
JR xxx