Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Friday, March 23, 2007

The golden year?

Wow! The last few weeks have flown by... a few things have happened that I reckon are worthy of a mention.

Last weekend I headed north 120km with a few mates to a little village called Lancelin. The surf up there is much cleaner & more consistent than the gnarly beach breaks around Perth (if you don't know what I mean - believe me, it's better fun & easier up there) so we went up on Saturday afo in time for a sunset surf, which was absolutely beautiful. After a BBQ & a few drinks in the only bar up there a few of us slept on the beach. A mate forget his sleeping bag, so slept in my surfboard bag! It was such a beautiful & warm night - & the stars were astounding. We awoke pre-sunrise & so were the first out in the surf the next morning. Awesome.

Yesterday was my birthday. Thank you to everyone who sent cards, emails, facebook messages etc. I had a cool day - got some cool presents from home... seems my sis & gf may think I just turned 12 by the presents they gave me!

So, I actually turned 22 on the 22nd. Apparently (if you are superstitious of course), that makes it my 'golden year'. It has been a good one so far, but we will have to wait & see what else is in store.

In the afo, I went with a few guys from college to Blackwell Reach, overlooking the swan river (see pic). There is a few fairly cool jumps off the rocks - here I am caught in action about to launch myself off... a good buzz.

In the evening I went out to Subiaco with a few friends from college & church. We went to a few bars & had a good night - there was a live acid jazz band playing in one bar, which was very cool too.

I got a sneaky surf in this morning, & in an hour or so I will be heading to the airport to pick up my folks. Will be good to see them again & show them my life here.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The life of Jonny

This is my life in the last week - the public domain, brief version:

Perth has been one hot hot place this last week. There were a few days where it only just dipped below 40 during the night! Needless to say it has been a little uncomfortable at times without AC, but generally I don't mind the heat greatly & quite enjoyed it - I guess its a fairly 'clean' & dry heat here, & not too often muggy which would be horrible.

On Tuesday night, my (some might say apostate!) Bible study group played the part of renegade & slinked off to the ice cream parlour & the beach instead of having a study at the church. We got a massive tub of 'Irish cream' & 'cookies n cream' ice cream at Cold Rock (with sweets & chocolates crunched in) & sat outside in the evening heat refreshing ourselves with pleasant company & the joy of cold, cold tastiness. After that, we headed to City Beach where there are floodlights in the evening. It is the first time I have been there, but it is such a beautiful beach & there were a few groups of people there having bbq's or playing sports. We arrived just after sunset, so it was getting dark but there was still a dominant red & orange canvas of residual sunlight sitting on the horizon. We decided to go for an impromptu swim as the water was so hot - it was very cool to swim out a fair way & just tread water whilst having a good chat with my friend Dan under the starry sky & drifting along the beach in the current. It was such a refreshing night.

On Thursday, I rocked up at UWA football (unfortuantely 'soccer' out here) training. I had planned to go to the rugby instead, but didn't make it - so may try that in a few weeks. Today I played in a trial game (football) & it went quite well. For some reason, they don't consider playing evening games despite the severe heat, so I braved 90 minutes in the late afternoon sun! We got a 2-2 draw, which wasn't bad considering it was a team that had hardly played together before.

Surfed on Friday & Saturday mornings. Friday was a strong but fairly consistent wind swell. 4 of us were out together & we had a very cool time. On Saturday, we were up before dawn & at the beach early. Unfortunately, I got fairly scratched up amongst the surf & got nailed by a sizeable wave... in the ensuing melee one of the fins on my board got swiped clean off by my heel. The board came worse off by far, which is a shame, but something I guess it's good to be thankful for!? So, I am parted from my board for another week, whilst it is in the repair shop. The joy. Think I must be clumsy, or very unlucky. Still, had an enjoyable time as it was a beautiful morning.

Lots coming up this week, so better stick to it. Take care.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The year in pictures...

So, I have been very successful in uploading a good number of pictures to share (at last I hear you cry!) but not so good at ordering them chronologically. Therefore, I will try and date them as accurately as poss in the comments under each one. Enjoy.

Oct 06: At the college cocktail party with Jenny from Leciester (left) & Jennie, a tutor at college who goes to my church (right).

Aug 06: Dave's visit & a day biking round the Margaret river region. Great fun with an 'old mate'!

Dec 06: An icon.

Jan 07: Trying my hand at some Tom Cruise action at my cousins bar in Melbourne.

A Perth sunset: just beautiful.

Dec 06: With Josh, Tim & Andrew - Perth students helping on church outreach in Sydney.

Oct 06: Eug & Ponti - two great guys who I hang out with a bit.

Aug 06: A local hunter... scary!

Feb 07: Beautiful, beautiful Piha at sunset. A week surfing on the west coast of North Island (NZ) before returning to Perth.

Aug 06: With Ben from Leicester at the door of my hall before the annual college ball.

Aug 06: Ian & Nigel who are good mates of mine, living it up at that ball.

Nov 06: Very cool to see Stephen & Jo, & hike the Kalbarri National Park, WA.

Jan 07: With Joey, my eastern states 'travel buddy' at Bells Beach, victoria (we have mutual friends in Leicester).

Aug 06: Enjoying a wine tour of a premier wine region with Dave.... thankfully keeping sober throughout.

Sept 06: A social night with my 'hub' Bible study group - Zalton, Toby & Mark.

Nov 06: The first Church outreach team to Sydney - Rory, Jon Rumble, Matt Dodd, JR, Jess Rumble, Sandy, Julianne, Mandy Dodd.

Feb 07: A very very cool few weeks with Anneli & Paul in NZ... much needed. Matauri beach on valentines day!

Mar 07: First college party of the new year & I am an emo kid (from the band 'Simple Plan' who I had never heard of!) whilst Nigel is doing wonders for the Kiss look!

Hopefully that is a cool catch up, & gives you a vibe of my year. Fingers crossed that this bad boy publishes... I hope you appreciate it if it does!