Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Catch-up with 5 C's

so... a week on & things are good. quite a lot has happened since i last updated so i guess some selective news will be best!

1. CHURCH. St Matt's church was a big hit. An active and lively church committed to the Bible, evangelism and Gods kingdom. I felt really welcome & met a few people - a couple of guys even asked if they could pray with me when we were chatting after the service (a surprisingly rare occurence in church!). They've just begun a series considering 'love' & various related issues in our contemporary culture eg sexuality, homosexuality, marriage, divorce etc. So good to bring these current issues to the Bible & have it throw its illuminating light on them... very refreshing, & good for conversations back at college after church too! Also, checked out the CU which seems cool - some good training opportunities for me, & found a good Bible study group. Also, got to know some great Christian friends, some my age & some others a little more mature. Praise God for all these things!

2. COLLEGE. Settled in at college & got to know the guys here. People are very friendly & welcoming - a very easy going place to meet people. Still missing you guys from back home, but know it is good to be stretched in this sort of stuff! Had big party at college on Thursday, where I was asked to help behind the bar because I would be sober... one way to make friends I guess!!! Just had a couple of cool days a few hours south at Bunbury for a 21st party. Met my first Roo - took a bit of guts to stroke it as it seemed to be wild, but then this little 4 yr old kid ran up & hugged it! Turns out it was a kind of pet - these people had acres of land! Stayed in a sweet place with a very hospitable & friendly family - good to meet a 'real' Ozzie family.

3. COURSES. Started. Reality of having to do some work whilst I am here hit home this week. Oh well! A few seem quite interesting - especially one on aboriginal history. A couple will be a bit tedious at times... but I did choose a law degree!

4. CRYING SHAME (dubious title, but worth it for the alliteration). Major dissapointments so far are failing to get on the waves yet (am hopeful to this week), & also realising I quite like Aussie Rules Footy (which is the most ridiculous sport in the world). Was also really sad yesterday to miss John & Sian's wedding, especially as Anneli was bridesmaid. I'm sure it was a cool day & a big celebration... congratulations Mr & Mrs Newton-Webb!

5. COMMUNICATION. Just beginning to adjust to keeping in contact by blog, emails & letters. Often really encouraging, so thank you... especially those who have posted stuff - so cool! On that note, bye!


Anonymous said...

Is this working?

Anonymous said...


Not so sure about this blog malarky - whatever happened to good old paper and pen?

Good to hear all your news and well looking forward to seeing some Aussie rules with you, going to your church and running away from those killer Roos.

Life in Blighty continues apace. Do not ask Jo about the hammer and our sink - now half!

Went to Bude on Sat. Great weather, dark skies and storms with 5-6ft waves but there were really messy and no run, just dumped as soon as they broked. Looking forward to riding (?!) some Aussie peaches.

Will write air mail style soon.

Remember "kick his ass seabass"



Daniel Hames said...

Sounding good Jonny.

I'm back for a few hours today from camp over at Dixon's farm. It's the second of two weeks, and let me tell you that the day off is pure bliss.

I'll e-mail you properly as soon as I have a moment and have got the straw out of my hair.


Anonymous said...

hey jonny,

really great to hear how you're doing and can't wait to see you, having an awesome time here in malaysia... loads to tell you etc etc...

click on my name and check out my malaysia blog when you get the chance

love you matey

Anonymous said...

Hey man it's great to hear your settling in. I knew people would see you for the legend you are soon enough! Plus church sounds great. I'm enjoying mine back home at the mo. Really spirit filled. I was really feeling God's presence and him refining me which is always nice! Anything we can pray for you at the mo?

Love nate x

Anonymous said...

Jonny boy, my year abroad partner in crime, glad to hear things are going well and that the lil cutey roo made your day! :) Simple things...

Loving it that you have to work!!! :) Well i do too but not uni work, and luuuuurving it!

Keep up the blogging, will pop by when i manage.

Take care, praying for you dude.

See you nest year! :)
