Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The hardest part...

I think the most difficult thing about this year away may be done... or certainly one of the more difficult things. Saying good-bye to so many people in the last 2 or 3 weeks before I left was emotionally and physically draining. It was particularly tough leaving Anneli and my folks. Thanks to everyone who I hung out with in that time as they were very fun days.

But, now that is over and it is a week since I left the UK/ 5 days since arriving in Perth. It has been a crazy week in many respects... settling in my accomodation (St George's College - very posh!), registering for my courses at the university, being 'orientated' as an international student, getting to know Perth (crazily my new home), and meeting lots of new people from all over the world.

Australia is more backward than I had hoped or anticipated! The banking, mobile, and internet services have been the bain of my week (which shows it has been pretty good i guess!?). I guess as such a new country it is only just catching up to the pace of modern life?! I hope no aussies read that.

Anyway, I am well and beginning to get settled. I have met lots of really cool and friendly people. God has been so good - he has definitely sustained me through a mad period. Now I want to get on with serving Him in this 'strange' new place. First port of call: St Matthew's Church tomorrow morning.


Daniel Hames said...


I'm the first to comment on this blog. Yes! Glad things are starting to progress. I love it that you are an international student. You have to do all that stuff like taking a traditional English dish to CU outreaches, and learning how to speak Australian.

St Matthews Church sounds a bit Anglican to me... watch out for that lot! ;o)

Speak soon bro,

Dan xx

Anonymous said...

Jonny, good to hear from you. Just got back from a week of Bournemouth International Outreach and now blagging the last 5 days of english sun before getting fried in Cameroon. Bet you're jealous! 20C!pah! hehe

Well il keep myself updated on your blog.

Im gonna stick to the emailage so il send you one soon, wont be personalised im afraid but will hopefully keep you updated!

All the best mate, enjoy stuff over there, will be in touch soon

Love in Jesus


Anonymous said...

Hey matey
Just reading your blog (well duh!) sounds like your starting to settle in a bit better now. Yeah i'm with Dan St Matthews sounds a bit dodge... if they mention Chrisdingle I want you out before they start passing around the insence an myrrh! Go to the Hill songs church it'd be much better I realise it's o the other side of the country but Darlene Czech's a hotty!

Love ya matey
Take care
Peter 5: 8 i think that's the anxiety one!

Unknown said...

What's shakin' Wee Man?

G'day mate, let's put another shrimp on the barbie...

Good to hear from you, you met Rolf Harris yet?

We had 39 degrees about 2 days after you left!!!

Ok cool, watch out for Kangaroos and say hi to the Neighbours.


Anonymous said...

Yes!! In your face Richards United are signing Micheal Carrick and your not getting Nistelroy put that up your didgereedoo and smoke it!
Love and kisses