Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Home & away

My task is so nearly complete (for this semester)... all that lies between me and 3 months of summer fun is 1 more essay & 3 'open book' exams (a weaker & distant relative of what academics in the northern hemisphere regard an examination - for those who would rather be hanging out on the beach rather than memorising their extensive lecture notes). So, I guess that is quite a lot till I'm done, but I feel optimistic at the moment - I have emerged from the murky underworld of essay writing & it feels so so good. This really has been my life for the last 3 weeks - not that it is all I have done, but everything has been arranged around my essay & presentation schedule. Relief.

Otherwise, I have been enjoying the increasing familiarity of uni & life here. Hence the sparsity of my blogging.

So, some highlights & stories of recent weeks, since I guess that's what you are reading for?!

College debate - tonight was the second of the semester. A chance for 6 guys to test their insults out on the opposing team & entertain the masses with their comical genius... the topic tonight was 'Alcohol is good for you'. All in the name of comedy and the whole 'college community' bag - it was very funny & will give us some dinner time banter for the next couple of nights no doubt.

Warm cosy sun - spring is here, & it is a most beautiful thing. The endless summer: the rosey & semi-permanent vibe of Perth. Sea temperatures around Perth dip in the winter to a few degrees centigrade warmer than British waters at the height of summer! So, as you can guess I am enjoying the southern hemisphere climate.

Perth Royal Show - it was the last night of the annual week long festival/carnival on Saturday night. 10 of us from college went, & soaked up the atmosphere. Spent most of the night at the fairground. Was very worried I would make myself ill after Anthony went on a ride & took well over an hour to return to colour!... especially as I often don't take rides too well. But, I took on the cream of the rides & loved them! Included 'MEGADROP' - a vertical drop of maybe 50 metres... definitely enough to get the pulse racing. Also, proved my killer shot with a gun & won myself this toy... an ugly little thing but my first fairground win ever, so nonetheless a proud moment.

'Getting involved' - UWA Oktoberfest was on Friday. I arrived at 4pm for a beer (after handing in an essay!) & most of the people there had been drinking since around midday.... it kinda showed. Anyway, it was very cool to buy a stein & pretzel, & enjoy the dodgy German entertainment - everyone was in high spirits. Then, went canoeing on Sat am out on the river with a guy from church & some of his mates. Beautiful day & good to be out on the water... but, I definitely prefer being 'in' the water, & preferably with a surfboard & waves that are too big for me, or something else to get my adrenaline going (nothing of an illegal nature, of course). Also, housewarming party on Sat pm with some friends from my Bible study group, & a BBQ with guys from the cu on Sunday. It was a great weekend - they have often been the more difficult times so far, especially Sundays... because they are fully associated with family/friends/Anneli time, & meeting with Chrisitans I am familiar with. So, it was good to feel more 'at home' with people here, & 'get involved' in their social scene.

Reading & talking - I have seriously loved having the privelege of doing lots of reading/thinking/chatting about deeper issues that interest me recently. Reading 'Knowing God', studying 1 Peter/James/Joel/Romans (books of the Bible), hearing good Biblical talks from godly men, & conversations with new & old friends have all been of great encouragement. It is very cool to be challenged & keep growing in my faith through many different relationships, both old & new.

Speaking to Anneli & fam - it is really refreshing & so good to hear the news from the Shire, London & Derby... though these relatinships have a 'new place' in my life, I am enjoying the joys of having a great family & girlfriend to continue 'growing up' with (*gush*). It is so good to enjoy those few moments with those who know me best, even at 10 000 miles.

And some Australian culture to finish... peculiarities of regional discourse:

- HEAPS: a generic term to determine anything of a value or worth slightly larger than average. As far as I can tell it serves relatively little purpose largely owing to its profuse overuse.

- 'HELL': a substitute for 'very'. Eg: it was hell good / that is hell funny. I don't like it.

- SHRIMP: contrary to popular opinion, Aussies (apparently) don't call prawns 'shrimps', but prawns. Therefore, Lloyd Christmas' "G'day mate, put another shrimp on the barbie" is sadly an Americanisation.

Yet again, due to my IT inabilities & resulting failure to upload pics, you will have to wait a little longer to see the latest shots & meet some of my Aus people. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Glad Lloyd made it to your front page! Looks like you are having a ball despite the essays.

Life rools on here apace but I will not bore the blog community.

Jonny H is basking in the joys of Scotland's 1-0 win over France which is very painful. Anyway, I guess it has been a long time in coming.

Notice you have been canoeing - is that kayaking? Maybe we could get some in in a couple of weeks



Daniel Hames said...


I'd like to phone you soon old chap. Be on the lookout (or hearout) for your telephone.

Dan xx