Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The endless summer...

Now has begun what can only be called the endless summer. From today until 26 Feb 2007 I am free from 'the man' - in this instance, my uni degree. I intend to use it well - lots of plans for the next 3 months, which will become apparent on this site not too long after they happen!

So, yesterday I finished my last exam for this semester. I had exams on Tuesday & Wednesday as well. The first two went fairly well. My exam on 'Aboriginal history' on Tuesday was set to be a winner because I was given the exam paper a few weeks back, & I thought I could take my notes in (as I could with my other two law exams). Therefore, I was getting pysched for a substantial victory at transcripting a pre-written essay. However, a little too my surprise, I discovered the night before I could not take any notes in. It wasn't a worry though, as I managed to learn the general gist of what I planned to say & churn it out in the exam. Yesterdays exam was very hard - one of the more difficult ones I have taken, but I managed to get lots of good stuff down so hope I got the result I need.

I made up for my recent lack of social activity (due to strenuous revision!) by going out for a drink with some friends from College last night. It was a cool evening & very satisfying to watch Australia only manage to scrape a win against Italy. Not so glad about Englands loss by the same score to Argentina. Today I went out for lunch after church with some good friends, Rory & Susan Shiner. I then went for our last surf of the year with Eugene, a guy in College from Singapore who I have been surfing with lots. He has graduated & heads back home on Tuesday. Rory & Susan have kindly leant me their car, so that I can head to Perth International in a few hours to pick up Stephen & Jo. Looking forward to seeing them & hanging out... & seeing some more of WA.

I finished reading through the Bible for the second time today. Reflecting on the last 18 months & all I have learnt through that exercise is really encouraging, but also realise I still have much more to realise to even begin to plumb the depths of Gods word. If you have not done it before, I fully recommend taking a year to read through the Bible in its entirity - just 3 chapters or so a day! It may be something that proves to be very transforming, as I think it has been for me.

I move out of St Georges College on Wednesday, so no longer have a postal address. Sorry but you will be unable to send me all those expensive christmas presents you were planning to send! I will be back here in March, so will pick up any stray letters arriving at the end of this week then.


Daniel Hames said...

Hi Jonny,

This is Dan and Ali. We love you.

We're a bit bored and have no imagination, so can't think of anything witty to say.

Ali 'feels pretty and witty and light'... but doesn't know the other words to the song.

'It's quite disconcerting having someone type out everything you say... I'm pericombopulous at the thought of it... That was devertringful of you, Dan.'

I think we had better stop now.


Anonymous said...

hello... at first read i thought you had said "I finished reading through the bible for the second time today"

which is what you did say... but if you ignore the bit afterwards about taking 18 months it can look very much like you've read the bible twice in one day, which is very impressive...

just back from CU houseparty 2006... was really really good, good teaching, good fun, lots of nice new people... pics on facebook... Jesus was there and it was a weekend which i feel glorified him and i hope that it carries over into our lives...

miss you