Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, November 19, 2006


So, I am very frustrated at the moment! I just carved out half an hour to write what I feel was an entertaining, heart-felt but informative post! Unfortunately the concoction of an inadequate blog programme & my failing computer skills resulted in it being deleted before I got to post it. Time is precious this evening so no time to re-type. Needless to say I am alive & well, enjoying my time with Stephen & Jo (who also seem to be enjoying themselves), feeling chilled, but also busily preparing to depart WA for a few months on Saturday. A longer & more detailed post will follow later in the week - sorry I haven't replied to emails for a while. Computer time has been sparse of late & is only getting worse - will work on it. Off to Rottnest Island for a few nights tomorrow - sun, sand & surf!


Anonymous said...

yes!! - i'm first - beat dave and mr hames to it this time! Glad to hear things are was the camping and sharing a tent with lloyd etc?! sounds like fun!

we're fine back here.. thinking of you big man!

j and k x

Anonymous said...

haha... beaten to it... oh well... looking forward to hearing all about your summer fun... can't promise that i won't be a little jealous as its freezing here at the moment. God's really been gracious to me in the last couple of weeks, circumstances are still as busy and overpacked as ever... but he's helping me seek him and love him even though i'm busy... got an outreach cu with a difference this friday, "Knowing God, is it a possibilty - a presentation by leicester CU" please pray for it if you get this in time...

hope to hear from you again soon

Daniel Hames said...

I don't mind being beaten by a member of Jonny's family. I'd get a bit annoyed if it was someone else though ;o)

Jonny- I haven't told you about my 8 hours with The Don yet! Must speak soon


Anonymous said...

dude, just sat down and caught up on ur recent blog reports- sounds as thought things are awesome! things here are good. on placement at the mo- so busy, song days- but plenty of time for fun. u gotany idea how much a phone call costs to oz from a mobile?? much loving! x

Anonymous said...

ps, that was from ur little cousin- jen x