Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Jaws at Scarbs!

I am nearing the end of my first semester here. The experience so far has been varied, though excellent & I reckon maturing in many ways (I hope!). I am very thankful to so many amazing blessings that God has given me, & realise these are very priveleged days. It has been so good to keep in touch with friends from home - I greatly appreciate the emails, blogs, comments, phone calls & letters.

When I think back to when Dave visited in early September, I can see how much more I have settled since then. The weeks before that were good, but also stretching. Recently, I have been motivated & encouraged by finding very obvious reasons why I am here to help & serve others, & also learn different things. I think we all thrive on having an immediate purpose in our life, & I have had a growing sense of that. This also means that the time is going fast! Now, on to some more current news.

On Saturday morning I went for an early morning surf with a friend from college (Shane), & a guy who has started coming to church recently (Ian). Ironically we surf at Scarborough beach - I think the waves are better down here than at the original Scarborough!? We got to the beach at 8am - there really is little better way to start the day than in warm morning sun, beautiful blue skies, & refreshing crystal waters... you think I'm exaggerating?! Anyway, alarms started ringing up & down the beach not long after we were in the water. Lifegueards began patrolling the water & its edge in speed boats & 4x4's, ushering surfers out of the water. It transpired on the news that evening that there was a 4 metre Great White about 1km off shore. The alarms stopped after a while, so a few of us dived back in for a surf only to be called back to shore again! Helicopters & several small boats arrived & loitered around the location of the shark, trying to guide it out to sea - we were told to carry on surfing but just keep an eye on them, in case they came close. Thankfully, I am safe & enjoyed the adventure... a good story to tell you all over & over in the future!

Alas, the inevitability of revision has arrived. Seeing that I have 3 exams next week I guess it is about time. I spend some time revising out on our balcony in the afternoon sun - unfortunately a gust of wind distributed several pages of lecture notes to the four corners of college. I received some of them back from several people who had found a random page in completely different locations. Some however, are lost for good. Other than this slight mishap, it is going well & I am glad it will soon be over leaving me free to hang out with Stephen & Jo.

I have also been challenged greatly by God in many ways recently. It has been difficult & frustrating at times, as He has put his finger on things in my life that do not match up with the good news I claim to believe in & live by. I am glad He is still patient with me & teaching me these lessons, desiring me to change. For as long as He is in the game, I'm in with a fighting chance! I'm optimistic about this one.


Anonymous said...

glad you're feeling a lot more settled in matey...

try not to get eaten any time when you're surfing and if you do can i browse your music collection and have any of the cds that i think are worth a listen?

hope to speak to you soon xx

Anonymous said...

man - dave... you must sit on your computer - how quick are you?!

glad the revision's going well!!.. i'll look forward to lots of blog updates over the next week... nothing like a break from the books. Last time you were revising we were revising together.

Hope it goes ok j; praying for you

love xx