Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Must rush!

Alive & well. New Zealand is amazing. Having an awesome time. Anneli says hi to my public. Driving to catch ferry to North Island NOW...!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The celtic charm of Christchurch...

I awoke Saturday morning to overcast drizzle. It was also fairly cold. That felt refreshingly & reassuringly like home. It seems I have got used to the Australian climate!

I arrived in Christchurch (New Zealand) on Friday night, after a good flight which included a sighting of a comet blazing through the dusky southern hemisphere atmosphere with increasing awesome presence (now that is poetry!). It could have been a difficult evening after getting late for my flight (being the last one to check in, only 70 mins before departure) & arriving in Christchurch at midnight by myself, with no money, & with nowhere to lay my head. Thankfully, the services at Christchurch airport do not have an expiry time & remain efficient until late into the evening, unlike some other airports. So I booked into a cosy hostel, met some other backpackers from my flight & went out for a cool beer at a trendy local bar. The evening had a good vibe, as we all navigated the adjustment to new surroundings together - something that can be unsettling when a solo traveller. It turned into a late night, but a good one.

My last week in Australia was a very busy, but also very satisfying one. It included meeting many of my Melbourne rellies at a family BBQ, trying my hand at mixing a cocktail 'Tom Cruise style' at Phil's bar, & Nathaniel's (my nephew, once removed... I think?) 5th birthday party - pirate theme. I also soaked up some of the Melbourne night life in some trendy bars, & supped a full dose of Australian culture in Federation Square, at the art museum, & later a 'Chicken Parma' at a cafe. I had several tasty meals in the week including Nepalese cuisine in town (some of my family lived in Nepal for a few years) & tender, tender lamb at the place of my other uncle & aunt.

On Tuesday I went to the Australian Open, hoping to see Andy Murray play (in what turned out to be an empathatic win) but unfortunately due to the soaring temperatures (45c & higher) his game was moved & I didn't realise. They didn't start any play until 8pm & then made sure all the days play was completed, resulting in games going on past 1am - still in heats of well over 30c!

I also found a bit of time for some work, to bulk up the piggy bank a little more!

Well, on to Christchurch... somebody told me today that summer ranges anything from 5 to 35c - quite a variation. It has been a very good weekend, which is awesome as it had the massive potential to be a 'graveyard slot'.

After a lie-in on Saturday I checked out the town & some of the sights. A Cathedral, the Avon river, the Botanic gardens, & the tram all combine with some beautiful architecture & quality town planning to make it a charming place. The population is about 300,000 strong & I am beginning to reckon this is the perfect size for a city - big enough to have a fair amount going on & feel busy, but small enough to feel you get to know it, & for people to be friendly.

Christchurch is described as the most English of New Zealand's towns & so that is good. But, I definitely sense a strong celtic influence... from the 'twang' in the accents, to the climate & scenery; from the architecture, to the slightly more friendly than English vibe - to me, this is Scotland down under. It certainly seems like the southern hemispheres celtic cousin to Australia. There was a noticeable difference in peoples attitude compared to Australia - just as laid back & uber friendly, but in a more cosy manner (hard to describe). Perhaps mirroring a variations within the UK!?

Anyway, I have enjoyed getting lost (kind of on purpose... in that I was in no rush to 'find myself' again) round the town, on the banks of the river & in the gardens. It is maybe a bit sad, but I have quite enjoyed some JR solo down time. Probably very good before a crazy few weeks. I also checked out the history museum, art gallery, & watched 'The Queen' at a tiny retro cinema! I also went to church today & it was good to meet a couple of really friendly guys there tonight. The 'World Buskers Festival' is currently being held in Christchurch & so it has been very entertaining to see some of the acts performing from all over the world. They are very good at what they do, & though street performers can sometimes be frustrating I reckon they are mostly good value, just seeking to make an honest living.

Tomorrow I meet Anneli & Paul at the airport & we head off on a week of fast paced travelling of the South Island. Will let you know how that goes.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Work hard, play hard

Last Saturday I took the overnight bus from Sydney to Melbourne. It wasn't the most comfortable nights sleep, but I arrived safely & on time all be it lacking my driving licence (which is possibly quite important for hiring cars & as my only other id than my passport) which I managed to lose somewhere... who knows where!? It was very cool to be picked up by Richard & Glenys, my uncle & aunt (all be it a few 'branches' along the family tree) who I was meeting for the first time. On Sunday I spent much of the day in cafes & coffee shops eating good food, drinking great coffee & meeting the world & his wife down under, who I somehow seem to be related to in one way or another. It was a good fun day, although I was gagging for a shower & a sleep by late afternoon.

I spent a few days this week labouring & gardening at my uncle & aunts place - helping them out with stuff they needed done, & also stacking up some dollars for upcoming travel treats! This included going to war with an axe against a flower bed for a whole day! (sound like a poof, right?!) I can assure you it was no easy task - it was root central down there & as hard as concrete. The axe really was my most effective weapon at breaking the surface, & even that sometimes seemed to struggle with the task... as did I in the 30+ heat. I also almost killed a Possom when I knocked it 30 ft out of a tree whilst it was sleeping - it looked a little dazed & shocked, then whimpered off somewhere... either to recover, or possibly to die. Oops. Today I ventured UNDER the house, crawling amongst the cob-webs & dead bugs. I won't lie - I was scared - there are all sorts of sick spiders in this country that do horrible things to people, I'm sure. Anyway, the cable had to be re-routed, & I was selected as the man for the task. It was successful in the end, so I have happy hosts - which I think is a very good thing.

Amongst this work, I have also been having some good fun. On Wednesday I joined Joey & a couple of other English travellers to drive along the infamous Great Ocean Road. It was an absolute scorcher - over 35 I think - & much of the day we were in fog from the bush fire smoke that blankets Victoria each summer. However, we also saw some beautiful scenery - rugged cliffs, pumping surf, & national parks. We stopped off in Torquay en route, the home of Australian surfing (ironically, considering the nature of its English cousin), where Quicksilver & Rip Curl originated. We had a mosey round a few of the many surf shops, but unfortunately had no time to look round the surf museuem. We also stopped off at Bells beach to see the big surf & later on saw the 'twelve apostles' (now 8) - successive cliff 'stacks' along one stretch of coast line. Some places we passed through on the day include Colac & Geelong - interesting names huh!?

Yesterday I went to the MCG to watch Australia play England in the first cricket one day international of the tri-nations series. It was another dissapointing result & muted performance from most of the English team. But, it was a great day (again, very hot - we were in the section of the ground facing the setting sun) & good to see some international cricket after not making it to any of the Ashes tests. The crowd was fairly vibrant in our section, particularly as the beers went down & there were several fights, expulsions & plenty singing/swearing excessively. Drunk sports fans really are the same wherever you go the world over, I think.

It has been really exciting to hear great news from HOME (Bratton), HOME in term time (Leicester) & current HOME (Perth) the last few weeks! It makes me want to be back in all of those places at once! Congratulations are due to Kate Venn & Jooles (B) who got engaged, Steve & Rach (L) who also got engaged, & Rory, Susan & Miles (P) on the arrival of their new son/brother, Theodore William Bligh Shiner... corker of a name! I am so excited for all of these amazing people & can't wait to see them all in due course, to celebrate these exciting things!

I now have one more week here before I go to New Zealand, where I will meet up with a very special someone. That will be a little taste of home that I reckon will make up for missing all these big events!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Farewell base camp

Since Nov 25 I have been based in Sydney & have travlled in & out of there many times. Tonight I leave, never to return! I'm taking the overnight Greyhound to Melbourne where I will stay with family for 2 weeks. The plan is to do a little work to gain some $, & also see some of what Melbourne & Victoria has to offer the world. It should be a good few weeks.

I spent Christmas with a great family in Sydney. We had a fairly traditional roast, but ate it sitting by the pool in the sun - a little different to home (unless you are a certain South African family I know!). For New Year I stayed with Joey and we went to a party in a flat with a very cool view over Sydney, the Harbour Bridge, & the spectacular fireworks. This week I laboured for a few days at a Bible College, helping out with some landscaping, renovation and lawn-mowing. It was good to do some physical labour for a few days, especially as it wasn't worth watching the dismal death of English cricket in the SCG final Ashes test. Finally, the Aussie smugness may recede - though its unlikely. The last couple of days have been very cool. I've been staying with a guy I met at NTE in Nov. It has been good to hang out with him, meet some of his mates, and unexpectedly catch up with others I met at the conference. Now, to a new place & new people.