Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The life of Jonny

This is my life in the last week - the public domain, brief version:

Perth has been one hot hot place this last week. There were a few days where it only just dipped below 40 during the night! Needless to say it has been a little uncomfortable at times without AC, but generally I don't mind the heat greatly & quite enjoyed it - I guess its a fairly 'clean' & dry heat here, & not too often muggy which would be horrible.

On Tuesday night, my (some might say apostate!) Bible study group played the part of renegade & slinked off to the ice cream parlour & the beach instead of having a study at the church. We got a massive tub of 'Irish cream' & 'cookies n cream' ice cream at Cold Rock (with sweets & chocolates crunched in) & sat outside in the evening heat refreshing ourselves with pleasant company & the joy of cold, cold tastiness. After that, we headed to City Beach where there are floodlights in the evening. It is the first time I have been there, but it is such a beautiful beach & there were a few groups of people there having bbq's or playing sports. We arrived just after sunset, so it was getting dark but there was still a dominant red & orange canvas of residual sunlight sitting on the horizon. We decided to go for an impromptu swim as the water was so hot - it was very cool to swim out a fair way & just tread water whilst having a good chat with my friend Dan under the starry sky & drifting along the beach in the current. It was such a refreshing night.

On Thursday, I rocked up at UWA football (unfortuantely 'soccer' out here) training. I had planned to go to the rugby instead, but didn't make it - so may try that in a few weeks. Today I played in a trial game (football) & it went quite well. For some reason, they don't consider playing evening games despite the severe heat, so I braved 90 minutes in the late afternoon sun! We got a 2-2 draw, which wasn't bad considering it was a team that had hardly played together before.

Surfed on Friday & Saturday mornings. Friday was a strong but fairly consistent wind swell. 4 of us were out together & we had a very cool time. On Saturday, we were up before dawn & at the beach early. Unfortunately, I got fairly scratched up amongst the surf & got nailed by a sizeable wave... in the ensuing melee one of the fins on my board got swiped clean off by my heel. The board came worse off by far, which is a shame, but something I guess it's good to be thankful for!? So, I am parted from my board for another week, whilst it is in the repair shop. The joy. Think I must be clumsy, or very unlucky. Still, had an enjoyable time as it was a beautiful morning.

Lots coming up this week, so better stick to it. Take care.


Anonymous said...

hey jonny...

not been on here in a few weeks, just had a good read through and caught myself up with your movements, good to know you're alive and well...

i'll try to remember to email you soon and catch you up with my (less interesting) life here in leics

stay safe and come back soon xx

Anonymous said...

Hey jonty, i thought you know i'd have a little look on jonny's blog cos i hadn't been on for so long, before i'd come on i was thinknig to myself, nathan why haven't you been on jonny's blog, then i remembered because it made me sickeningly jealous! Souns like your having an awesome time man, were missing you back here me dan and dave had a whose slept with jonny the most competition, i think it was dave, but quantity does not mean quality! love you dude nx