Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Monday, April 02, 2007

Work hard, play hard

Mostly, for your amusement, and also to my shame... here is a recent pic of me 'surfing'.* Looks like fun eh?!

Honestly it isn't always like this, but the camera doesn't lie I guess!

So, the weather is cooling down considerably at the moment. Realising I have got used to the climate though as I talk about 20*c as if it was -5*c: bring on the English summer! One weird thing though: even if it remains fairly hot outside, inside the buildings it is really cool - actually cold. So I can sit in my room working & shivering away on a warm sunny day! Strange.

Well, my folks arrived safe & sound, if a few hours late. It was good to hang out & show them the 'burb. They seemed to like Perth, enjoy meeting some friends, had a good time at church, but were unimpressed by the sea temperature. I think they may have expected tropical waters. They are in definite need of a holiday, so I think they will be enjoying the break. They have been in Sydney & Melbourne for 10 days & return to Perth later this week.

In the meantime, my life has been determined by essays & assignments. Not to say that there hasn't been some 'play' too. I want to ensure you that this blog is for my highlights, & not the sum total of what I do every day - uni just isn't that interesting. So I have got through the first round of deadlines this semester, & feel a little better for that. I'm also busy writing letters/emails/application answers telling commercial lawyers how much I love them. White collar slavery. The application process for graduate law jobs has begun (to commence in September 2009!) & I'm jumping on the bandwagon, if a little reluctantly.

On Friday night I went to see the Western Force play again. Another good win, this time against the Natal Sharks from SA. Afterwards we went out for a curry in Subiaco - my first one in Perth. A slightly disappointingly weak (less spice than one of Ruthy's dishes) effort from Australia compared to Leicester's fair curry houses.

I have found time to go surfing, & had a great time out at a new spot yesterday - my best surf for a few weeks. I also headed down to the West Coast Blues & Roots music festival in Fremantle last night. I failed to get tickets but watched from outside with a few mates. I just missed the train & so didn't get to see John Mayer (so gutted!) but managed to catch Ben Harper (& the innocent criminals) - very satisfying.

* Insert: paddling around in the water, trying to look cool, & getting smashed by waves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey jonny, glad to hear you're actually getting some work done, i'm trying to get my dissertation finished off early so i can concentrate on my exams, heard you called yesterday, sorry i missed it... i'm off home tomorrow (tues) for a week... hope to hear from you sometime soon :-) xx