Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Big opposition, but bigger waves

First off, today was the inter-college rugby game. I was recruited on Thursday & was keen to get amongst some of the action on the rugby field, after around 3 years since a 'competitive' (used lightly) game. After I was roped in I was told the opposition included a number of 'State players' (primarily South Africans & Zimbabweans), which basically means they play rugby lots & are very good (but not professional). As if that wasn't enough of a challenge, Trinity college (the opposition) were to field a Western Force player. For the uninitiated, Western Force was Western Australia's recent addition to the southern hemispehere 'Super 12' teams, making it the 'Super 14'. This is the best of club rugby union in the southern hemisphere. For the ex-Matravers rugby captain who had to beg people to play on the day of a game to get 15 players for a scrap with Clarendon, this was a slightly challenging prospect. So I was mentally preparing myself for an absolute mauling with some big hunks of rugby skill & passion.

Thankfully, things developed a little differently on the day. We had our own secret weapon. I met our maori destroyer just before the game - all 6'7" & 120kg of him! I introduced myself, "I'm Junior" boomed his response. How ironic. He was also a Western Force player - all be it in the academy. Still, you don't want to bump into him on a rugby field.

Anyway, I'm not even sure Trinity did use their Western Force player (he wasn't very impressive if he did play!) but they were a good side. I started on the bench. Junior didn't end up playing (something to do with injury liabilites & Western Force being annoyed if he played with the likes of me). When I was called to duty mid-way through the first half, I was straight in at prop! Not necessarily my strong point & I definitely don't have the build, but I was in the pack for some of the loose ball work. Luckily scrums were uncontested so my spine remains in tact, though is a little stiff & possibly now slightly crooked. I really enjoyed it, got involved with a few runs, some rucking (my first experience of an opposition player 'running down' my back when on the wrong side of the ruck - in this case, not so bad as it looked), & some tackles. But we lost: 10-5. A pleasing result though seeing as last year was a 60-0 crushing defeat & St George's have never scored points in this fixture!

So, the rugby players were not as big as expected. But on Thursday, the waves certainly were. Probably weighing in at head high, but definitely the biggest I have actually got out there in & given it a proper go (previously, just got mauled - a running theme?). The 4 guys in our surfing party struggled to break out through the surf, which led to failure in trying to 'get out the back'. This is important if you don't want to get smashed & want to catch waves - both relatively important facets of actually enjoying surfing. I enjoyed it though & got out the back lots. Catching waves was another matter though. I got some brief 'feet time' on a few waves but quickly got swallowed by the crashing water. It was stormy & so so gnarly.

Saturday was cleaner & smaller surf. Beautiful clean 2-4ft peelers. We surfed (well paddled with a board in the water & had fun) several different breaks, but I was punished a few times by the ocean for thinking I could handle it. Strangely, after a good caning, I would always resurface gasping for breath, checking all my limbs were still attached, but still grinning like a chesire cat! There is something about the power & force of the dynamic ocean that excites me & gets my adrenaline pumping...therefore it hurts me, & I just smile & laugh back! Still, one good ride & some progress I think, though much much more slowly than expected.

As I sit here typing, the sun is setting for the day as it dips itself into the Indian ocean, throwing a variety & richness of vibrant colours across the darkening sky. As it does so, my room is flooded with fiery colours (very poetic huh!?). Seriously though, it is utterly awesome & beautiful. Jim enthused of the Western Australian sunsets before I left - he was not wrong. Will have to try & enjoy a couple down on the beach. I would try to share the view from my room in a picture, but could never do it justice, & my computer skills remain inadequate to upload it! I will let your imaginations 'paint the picture'.

Otherwise, had a few nights out for a friends birthday & socials with St Georgians & my Bible study group: g
ood times. In summary of the last few days, I've been taking it a little easier again after all those essays. Exams are just round the corner, so it cannot last too much longer. Maybe!


Daniel Hames said...


Great post. You're actually a very good writer you know!

I'd love to see you playing at prop.

Dan xxx

Anonymous said...

hey jonny...

sun has just set in leicester, i'd describe it but it won't take you much effort to imagine it... sounds like you're having fun just as i'm realising that i've got to start getting serious about my dissertation... back in the library for the first time this year... evang stuff is going well, very encouraged by my team (they're brilliant, nearly as good as your team :-) )

glad you're doing well, i've got skype now so get yourself on it
