Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Saturday, October 21, 2006

"I beat the beef"

Thursday night was the annual St George's 1 kilo-in-1 hour steak challenge. Of course, I took part as a proud representative of my country.

The rules are simple: each man (& 1 woman) has to eat a 1 kilo (that's a whopping 35 ounces!) hunk of rump steak as fast as he can, or wishes to, in one sitting. Finishing within an hour gets you on the wall of fame.

I gave it my best effort & came a fairly respectable 15th - 19 min 40 sec. That pleased me, because my aim was to beat the 20 min mark. But, rather more embarrasingly I was beaten by the only chick competing!

A few times I was heaving & thought I might 'chuck', but fought on through & surprisingly didn't actually feel ill after, still needing pudding to fill up! Always room. It really does become a battle between your inner spirit & the steak - it becomes your arch enemy within a matter of minutes, & at points it can seem that this nemesis might take it to the death, but I overcame!

I didn't really do my country that proud though - but it's ok because Ben did (the other Leicester-ite down here) with a high ranking second place in 7 min 20 sec. First place was an astounding 'man-eating' time of 6 min 40 sec... the fastest time on record! Sick.

Otherwise: weather has generally been up a few more degrees this week, spent a bit of time chilling on the beach, catching up on some neglected uni work & looking forward to my summer break, just round the corner!!! (I haven't had my 'compulsory' 3 months off yet this year... something expected by all students, making tax payers green with envy!)

PS: Tried loading images from the internet for your satisfaction this time round. Big no show. Sorry people! Will continue to endeavour. Possibly not my IT skills but comp not doing the business. Or maybe not.


Anonymous said...

legend... well done matey, you beat your target, you must be pleased, how many people didn't finish? plodding along nicely here... going to tim hughes' house in london for new year :-) very exciting xx

Anonymous said...

haha seems to be a race each time between me and dan to comment first.. i've been winning recently hames!! how have you been keeping?

jonny said...

I'm glad you two are reading it even if no-one else is!!!

Anonymous said...

i dreamt you came back for christmas last night

Anonymous said...

i'm reading every blog and loving the banter - great to feel a part of your life over there! and good work on the beef... mum taught us well with all that 'eating our left over dinner for breakfast'! loads of love to you jr. k xx

Anonymous said...

i keep missing you more and more, how come you're never on skype? how come anneli never comments on here? i miss her a little bit too... would be good to get a good chat sometime xxx