Jonathan Richards, St Georges College, Mounts Bay Rd, Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. 0423685084 0061 89449 5583

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Today was a day of unity...

This morning my church St Matt's had a joint service of all its 4 different congregations. It was a cool time to all meet together & here about all the different things that are going on in & around the church. It really is a massive church, with what is effectively 4 large virtually independent congregations... I kinda wondered why they don't church plant more - but apparently that is on the horizon which is really cool. After church we had lunch together, so it was good to get to know a few people a little better.

Tonight was ChurchTogether in Perth. 10 000+ Christians met in the Supreme Court Gardens, sandwiched between the CBD high rise & lights, & the Swan River. It was a very cool setting - a warm evening & full moon - & as Hillsong United cranked it up on the stage it must have echoed around the city. I have never seen fireworks used as part of a worship music slot before, but it was fairly cool - especially as I'm missing out on the whole Guy Fawkes Nov 5th vibe today. J John gave the message - good to hear what sounded like a thoroughly English accent again! Though with all kinds of Greek-Cypriate undertones. It was a good thing to have so many Christians together from many different churches - lots to learn in how to be more unified.

I actually walked to the city from St Georges with a few other guys. It was a cool walk, with some good views. Then saw the news of Saddam's sentence (to be hung) whilst gorging ourselves in Hungry Jacks (Burger King) - made me think about his evil & issues of justice... was reading what the Bible says about this in Revelation 14 this morning - lots to think about & allow to sink into my heart.

Otherwise, I have been sleeping lots - but still managed to fall asleep for 2 hours this afternoon when I was reading! I think it must be all that revision I have been doing. Maybe. This is now exam week. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...


reminds me of popping into your room in halls to find you asleep at your desk or having given up on work all together and asleep in your bed... tut tut...

you missed out on some pretty cool fireworks at abbey park last night, much better than last year... thanks for your email, i'll reply soon x

Daniel Hames said...

Great to speak to you the other day, Jonny. Glad you're all good.

Hope you enjoyed Hillsong ;o)

Dan xx